Seychelle - SS - Fast Flow Water Filter Replacement Reviews
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Seychelle - SS - Fast Flow Water Filter Replacement Feature
- This Product can be used with :Ecousable, EcoVessel, US Canteen, Ecoflo, Seychelle, OrbElement, Purewaterz.
- Removes harmful microscopic pathogens such as Cryptosporidium, Giardia and other cysts and spores.
- Removes toxic chemicals: Trihalomethanes, PCB's PCE's, detergents, and pesticides
- Dissolved solids - including heavy metals such as aluminum, asbestos, cadmium, chromium 6, copper, lead, arsenic and mercury
- Removes unpleasant taste and odors, cloudiness, silt, sediment, chlorine, chlorine by products... Radon 222
Seychelle Standard Filter: The Standard filter is ideal for any in or out-door use; like traveling, hiking, biking, camping, fishing or for emergency purposes. It can be used with any type of water source such as tap water, rainwater, rivers, streams or even lakes. Can not filter salt water.
Now with BIOSAFE®, removes up to 99.99% of bacteria, virus, contaminants and pollutants found in fresh water supplies including Aesthetics such as chlorine, Sediment and dirt; Biologicals such as Giardia, Cryptosporidium, E-Coli Bacteria; Chemicals (VOC'S) such as DDT, MTBE, Benzene, Chloroforms (THM'S); and Dissolved Solids (Heavy metals) such as Arsenic, Lead, Mercury, Copper, Zinc, Aluminum and Chromium 6. BIOSAFE® antimicrobial media has been added to all Seychelle filters. It is safe, non-toxic and non-leaching; EPA, FDA and NSF approved. It acts like a pincushion of molecules that are permanently bonded to the filter that disrupts and ruptures the cell structures of water borne micro-organisms. Its biostatic effect reduces bacteria to 99.99%. BIOSAFE® has an indefinite shelf life.
Three basic reasons:
First - The US EPA, NSF and ANSI Certified Testing Results of our filters assure you consistent quality, great-tasting water each and every time. Our water filtration systems are the most laboratory and field tested products of their kind in the world. Efficacy and quality are guaranteed and on record. Many bottled waters, especially in developing countries, are not guaranteed and actual water sources unspecified.
Second - the Seychelle portable water filtration bottle is affordable, efficient, cost effective and can be filled from any convenient water source anywhere, anytime except salt. Third - the Seychelle system produces up to 100 gallons of great-tasting filtered water; equal to 757 half liters of bottled water at a fraction of the cost!
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Mar 05, 2011 04:38:06
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